"Since 1973, Transautomoibile has been selling armored vehicles to his customers. Whether it is for background transfers (CIT), a diplomatic transfer or just for personal protection, we adapt your armoured vehicle to your needs. The shields are made in recognized and approved workshops. Our main models are armored Toyota 4x4s, and are mainly intended for Africa because they offer interior comfort and the power to move on all raods. We are not limited to Toyota 4x4, depending on your needs, your comfort and your country, we can offer you many other brand and type of armored vehicles."
Discover our ArmoredThis armored Toyota 4x4 is specially designed for your safe movement, whether in town or on more difficult terrain. This armored 4x4 is in great demand by our customers in Africa because it offers interior comfort and power for easy movement whatever the terrain. Its Armor is Level BR6, which protects you from weapons of war (assault rifle) and grenade type explosives.
This armored Toyota 4x4 is specially designed for your safe movement, whether in town or on more difficult terrain. This armored 4x4 is in high demand by our customers in Africa because it offers interior comfort and power for easy movement whatever the terrain. Its Armor is Level BR6, which protects you from weapons of war (assault rifle) and grenade type explosives.
This armored Mercedes is specially transformed for diplomatic needs. The luxury and comfort of Mercedes is no longer demonstrated. In addition, the armored Mercedes S550 is equipped with a 4.6L V8 Bi-turbo of nearly 450 horsepower engine. Regarding the shielding, it is level BR6 provided for by standard EN1063. That is to say, they protect against certain munitions of war, assault rifles as well as certain explosives. The floor of the vehicle is armored to withstand the blast and shrapnel from the detonation of DM51 grenades.
Most wanted :
1589 D, Chaussée de Waterloo - 1180 Brussels - Belgium
Tel : +32 2 352 01 31 - Fax : +32 2 352 01 52
TVA : BE 0424.019.365